The Twelfth Imam from Chicago worked with his Saudi masters to ring Israel with Islamist regimes.He has eschewed intervention in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
He is an enemy of Israel:
Jesse Jackson said the Israeli lobby would no longer be in the driver's seat;
Michelle the Beard bragged she grew up in Jesse Jackson's house.
Did Hussein snub Putin over Syria or ABM or killing journalists?
No, Barry swung his purse at Vlad over being too butch.
In place of surge-e-o Petraeus the CIA is now run by the Muslim Brennan
who drycleaned Barry-O's passport file.
Enemy in the gates; how about that A-Rod.
I hear ya. Good points...
“Islam, Sharia Law & Chrislam” - General Jerry Boykin
quote from Boykin’s talk
“the muslim brotherhood is here in America to detroy the Constitution and establish Sharia Law”
He goes on to describe what exactly is happening in the middle east now and how they are overthrowing muslim countries who are not under sharia law to instil sharia and reform the calif