No one’s farting, bo, perfume lingers for hours or days, nor can you smell it from across the room. Those other smells don’t permeate someone else’s clothing either. There’s no comparison.
Oh...first it was just obnoxious and people don't like it. Now there's some persistency threshold. You nanny-staters will always find some justification for your desire to control people's behavior. Look...if a property owner, be it a residence, or public conveyance like a restaurant wants to restrict or prohibit smoking on their property I'm fine with that. When the government directs that a property owner restrict that, that's tyranny, which permeates more than clothes, and lingers far longer than tobacco smoke. But as long as you enjoy the stench, I guess you're all for it.
Those other smells dont permeate someone elses clothing either.
Theres no comparison.
Wrong again.
Wow, you sure are batting a thousand in the wrong column.