I believe this president has everyone terrified because of his skin color. He has gotten away with what he has and continues to because the majority are afraid of being labeled RACIST. Now -Im not certain even HE realized how potent a weapon this would be. .but it is.
Oh, believe me, Bill Ayers and the others who spotted Obama way back when knew it. Forget a Teflon President! Now we’re talking a Kevlar president!! Wins election because of his color, never gets blamed for anything because of his color. I can’t believe those who go on TV and dare say that if anyone is against Obama, it’s because he is black are not LAUGHED OUT OF THE STATION.
His handlers knew what they had found when the white talking half black -— juuuust black enough, they surely thought -— commie yet compromisable (gay) desperate to be loved guy walked through their door. Ayers probably pulled his latest girlfriend off bomb making that same day. “We’re going in through the front door, baby!”