Its the LAND. When all else fails there is always the land Katie Scarlet.
It’s the taxes and the fact that they would bleed any new industry dry to pay for welfare and union pensions.
It would be cheaper to buy desert land out west and start a new city.
Well, every property in America, whether in a nice area or in a ghetto, has a market value. The market will determine how much these places in Detroit are worth.
Are these abandoned houses which the city has taken possession of? If so, wouldn’t they be part of city property sold off during the bankruptcy?
Anyway, though none of us want to live there, these places do have some market value. Let investors pay whatever the market price ends up being.
Useless land is still useless isn’t? You would have to pay taxes on the land; you couldn’t build anything with terrible cost and no hope of making a profit because the economy in Detroit is dying.