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To: little jeremiah; Jeff Head; DoughtyOne
I use to be one of those naïve, ever trusting believers of people, taking them at face value....

...totally unaware of how deceptive a George Bush could be.

I wanted to believe everything good about him.... but because of his's really difficult to think there is anyone who is telling the truth anymore.

I know in my heart, now especially, man will fail you....God never will.

But I believed George Bush....I loved the guy.....and now I realize how utterly fooled I was.

The wake-up call for me was 2007, but some folks here were well aware of him & his empty rhetoric before that.

I can only imagine the laughs he and Rove had at our well they manipulated us...

...George Bush will have to answer to his maker, the same as I....

..but I hope, at some level, he realizes how much hurt & doubt he has sewn in the hearts of good, honest citizens.

But I doubt he will, or does....he doesn't have to suffer any consequences of millions of illegals invading our once beautiful nation....

..he's been bought and paid for a thousand times over and he's quite protected from unsavory consequences of his actions.

What sustains me now.....and guides my decisions more than ever is God's sovereignty.

If Bush gave us Obama.....and I believe he did.....our nation will only get stronger by her people uniting against the foes at the door....or we are well on our way to destruction from the seeds these men have sewn.

105 posted on 07/07/2013 2:08:37 PM PDT by Guenevere (....)
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To: Guenevere; little jeremiah; Jeff Head; stephenjohnbanker; sickoflibs
I view this to be one of the most important posts ever lofted on this forum.  Why?  Because it addresses a seldom touched on tenet, others and I have come to understand over time.  If you don't understand it, you will close yourself off to learning anything.  Unfortunately, we saw that with Bush, with Perry, with Dole, with McCain, with... on and on it goes.  It's the old (R) after the name thing in some regards.  In other aspects it's the girl-friend/boy-friend who fell in love with the wrong person, and can't hear anything rational without shutting down and refusing to listen.  We have that going on right now with another person.  And if it isn't recognized and "fixed" now before a better person is blocked from getting our nomination, we may kick the ball down the field another twenty yards right into the Democrat's hands.  We've done it over and over and over again.

Since Reagan we have failed to nominate a decent Conservative who gets it.  Let that sink in a minute.  We're talking 24 years since we've had a person who wasn't afraid to make the Conservative sales pitch.  JUST THE SALES PITCH!  Reagan wasn't perfect, but he educated people about what sound government looked like.  Who has done that since?  Nobody.  We have some excellent pretenders, but when it comes to sound policies on major issues, that person hasn't revealed themselves yet.

Until they do, we don't get another Reagan.  We simply get a cheer-leader who couldn't make the big play if their life depended on it.

What would Reagan have been worth if he talked up Conservatism, then acted timidly against Soviet Agression around the world?  Reagan had a plan.  He implemented that plan.

What plan are our supposed shining stars lofting today?  They don't actually have a plan, or it sounds just like the Democrat's plan.  That's why the Republican party was terrified of Reagan, when he ran in 1980.  He had a plan.  It scared them to death.

Who has the plan today.  Name one person.

- - - - -

A full grasp of Conservatism isn't something you obtain in a day.  It generally isn't something you grasp in a year, or five.  It generally takes years of watching what is going on before someone can realize how badly we are gamed.

I had someone tell me twenty years ago, that this nation was headed in the tank.  I didn't dismiss them totally, but I hadn't progressed far enough in Conservatism, to understand enough to realize they were right.

Here on this forum we have plenty of people who pop in and think they're a full blown Conservative.  They pride themselves that they have voted straight (R) every election.  This is as far as their grasp goes.  That isn't enough folks.
Some of us have been talking about replacing the Republican party since the mid 90s.  Now some of the highly visible Republicans are beginning to get religion on the subject.  Others never will.

Over and over it happens.  A person comes along, makes a few nice sounding sound-bytes, and people are so firmly gripped by that person's sway, that they are useless to the Conservative cause until they wake up a decade later.

We had the best opportunity to make advances in 32 years in 2012.  We had a traitor to our nation serving in the White House, and the best we could come up with was a Masssachussetts Liberal.  That was a punt down the road for another four years.  We had a chance to replace John McCain in Arizona in 2010.  We punted that ball down the field another six years.,

If we punt the ball down the field in 2016 we won't have another "outside chance" to put a Conservative in the White House until 2021.  That means we will have left Reagan's seat open since 1989, 32 years.  We can't save our nation like this.

I don't care how cute the person is, if their shirt looks spiffy, if their eyes look dreamy, if their darier is the perfect shape, or their lips look positively scrumptious, we have to have a person who can recognize what dire threats this nation faces, develop a sound plan, and present it to the American public.  Failing that, don't bother me.  You're simply another pretender that folks will label as "The best we can do..." and we'll have lost another oppertunity to fix our nation.  AGAIN!

When this loser mentality vanish from the Conservative movement?  We're rivaling the Children of Israel here.  We've been wandering in the wilderness for 24 years, and seem to be headed into the 40 year range.  Is this someone's idea of a joke, how we conquer the Philistenes and implement God's (if you will, Conservatism's) plan?  (I used the "God's plan" because I was touching an comparison with the Children of Israel, but there's no reason to shy away from that language.)

- - - - -

Back to the progression of Republican to Conservatism...

Kids generally don't get it.  They've been brainwashed by the educations system, and it takes a while for them to realize they've been fooled.

Mid-twenties kids are generally waking up to what they've been misled to believe.

By the mid-thirties, many have registered in the Republican party.  They're voting for (R)s, but they still don't quite undertand why their beliefs are still losing ground on the public stage.  They don't get that they are being betrayed yet.

By the mid-forties to fifties, the light starts to go on.  "Oh my, both parties are doing this to us."

This concept is important, because no matter how many people we enlighten, there's always a new batch of indoctrinees entering the voting public.  If we're selling Conservatism properly, we can make headway.  The problem here is that we haven't been selling Conservatism properly.  In states like California, we don't even see a Republican presdiential candidate, let alone a Conservative one.  In state we get no-names to run.  Their voice is muffled.  It just doesn't happen.

Our voice is silent.

So are we converting the new voting pool or not?  NOT!

This is why we keep seeing the worst Lefties installed in this nation.  There's no real competition.  And if we do win an elective office, it isn't two months before our new office holders are pulling a Rubio on us.  Why?  Because they're not died in the wool Conservatives.  There's no fire in the belly.  If an issue comes up, they don't grasp what the proper response is reflexively like we do.  They call in Karl Rove, listen to Bill Krystal, consult some idiot at the RNC, and are certain they are up to speed.  NO they are not up to speed.

- - - - -

This is what we face.  It's why your post is so important.

There's no real education going on.  Even the Tea Party doesn't get the full Conservative message.  Their folks are better than your average Republican, but there is still a lot of work to do.

As a political party, we have failed our mandate.  Ronald Reagan would be severely disappointed by us.  I, you, we all should be hanging our heads for what we have allowed to happen to his legacy.  We should be on fire, selling his values on every street corner.  We aren't.  And until we are, what we have now, is what we'll have long into the future.

That's reality folks.

The proof is out there.  He sits in the oval office when he's not in a bath-house.  He's selling this nation out.  Our folks are in total disarray.  We're so desperate we have no standards whatsoever.  Someone can make a few sound-bytes that convince us they're one of us, and then provide not one real solution to one real problem.  "Oh but they're one of us!"  Okay, they may be one with you.  They aren't one with me until they have told me what they believe, and have fleshed out fully the solutions they see for the problems we face.  And I see this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.  Every election cycle and twenty times inbetween, dreams defeat reality.

Why did Obama win?  He won because we are not out there converting the Twenty, Thirty, and Forty somethings over as we have in the past.  They're staying in the Democrat zone, because nobody is make the sales pitch.  Nobody is sayin that's wrong, here is why, and here are the proper steps to fixing it, I'll do it, and here's why.

We've got to set some standards folks.  We've got to quit settling.  We've go to quit enabling.  At some point, we have to take a stand.  At some point the folks we support have to take a stand.

Enough Ra Ra Re, kick 'em in knew, Ra Ra Ras, kick them in the other knee.

Sing songing, "Give me a C, given me an O, give me an N, give me an S, give me a E, give me an R, give me a V, give me an A, give me a T, give me an I, give me a V, give me an E.... whatya got, doesn't cut it.  You've got a cheer-leader.  You don't have a Conservative.

Sound bytes don't cut it.  Grow up folks.  Quit acting like you're a twenty or thirty something Republican that means well.  This is destroying our party.

Expect more.  Demand more.  Refuse to play the cheer-leader game any longer.  Demand a pont by point list of what they think are the biggest problems facing our nation.  Demand a point by point solution to each one.  If they don't have it, take your pencil and make a nice long mark through their name.  I don't give a damn how cute they are.  Okay?  Are we on the same page here?
- - - - -

I use to be one of those naïve, ever trusting believers of people, taking them at face value...
We were all in this boat at some point.  Some of us jumped ship earlier than others.  At some point we simply must.

...totally unaware of how deceptive a George Bush could be.
Exactly...  Give yourself a pat on the back.  Some folks still think he was a better president than Reagan.  I kid you not.

I wanted to believe everything good about him.... but because of his's really difficult to think there is anyone who is telling the truth anymore.
Well, you know what, there aren't very many that are.  Almost every one of our elected officials are willing to sell us out on one major issue or anther.

Lest anyone try to confuse the situation here, we're not asking that much either.  If it's smaller government, yes.  If it's bigger government, no.  If it is in line with our Constitution, yes.  If not, no.  Those are two tests, and they probably cover 90% of the issues that face us.  My, how unfair to make such heavy demands...  Sheesh!

I know in my heart, now especially, man will fail you....God never will.
And that's why our rights were endowed on us by God, not fallible man.

But I believed George Bush....I loved the guy.....and now I realize how utterly fooled I was.
Some were fooled.  Some of us hoped he'd be better than we were pretty sure he'd be.  He wasn't.  It sucks but thems the facts.

The wake-up call for me was 2007, but some folks here were well aware of him & his empty rhetoric before that.
I pegged him in 1999, for precisely what he was.  I didn't have one person come to me and appologize for calling me the worst names I've ever been called for telling it like it was in 1999.  The damage was done by then anyway.

I can only imagine the laughs he and Rove had at our well they manipulated us...
They don't laugh.  He and Rove believe in what they are selling.  Neither of them has a clue what a Conservative is.  It's not their fault.  They are both stuck in the late twenties to mid thirties zone.  Niether is a died in the wool Conservative.  Bush got was easily misled, becuase he didn't have a Conservative core.  Folks learn to recognize this early on.  If they're missing the mark on easy calls by wide margins, just admit to yourself they aren't one of us and move on.  Don't hang in there like Clinton and Obama supporters do, destroying the nation in the process.  ADMIT IT!  MOVE ON!

...George Bush will have to answer to his maker, the same as I....
Yes he will.  I don't like to put in these terms for political matters, but Bush really did screw up.

..but I hope, at some level, he realizes how much hurt & doubt he has sewn in the hearts of good, honest citizens.
He doesn't.  He's still out there hawking polices that ended full employment for our citizens.  I doubt he even grasps the impact of his last four years on this nation and it's citizens.  He's a clueless man.  He had it too easy.  He never had to ask the big questions, or research important answers to complex issues for himself.  Those of us who remember Reagan, remember a man that had studied the tough issues.  Reagan was an intellectually honest and informed man.  Bush simply wasn't.

But I doubt he will, or does....he doesn't have to suffer any consequences of millions of illegals invading our once beautiful nation....
No he doesn't.  And so he still advocates for disasterous policy.

..he's been bought and paid for a thousand times over and he's quite protected from unsavory consequences of his actions.
I tend to think he's an adult child.  He came from priviledge, didn't have to face real world problems.  Doesn't have a clue what confronts your average American family.  I'd wager he's pretty proud of what he accomplished in his terms in office.

What sustains me now.....and guides my decisions more than ever is God's sovereignty.
Frankly, we haven't got much else left.  Even that is being eroded as fast as Obama and company can manage it.

If Bush gave us Obama.....and I believe he did.....our nation will only get stronger by her people uniting against the foes at the door....or we are well on our way to destruction from the seeds these men have sewn.

Unless we face our weaknesses as Conservatives, this is exactly what will happen.  Those who will, will see it.  Those who won't, will not see it.

We have a history.  We will learn from it, or we will continue to repeat it.

We turn this around, or God wraps things up quickly.  It's that late in the game folks.

Best post of the decade right here.  It comes up every once in a while.  When it does, we need to pounce on it.

Understand it fully, commit to fixing it, and it's a new ball-game.  Until then, it's the old ball-game and we and our nation lose.

107 posted on 07/07/2013 3:31:50 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (Breaking News: Hillary not running in 2016. Brain tumor found during recent colonoscopy...)
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