Don’t forget that Kerry thought he was in Cambodia during Christmas 1969 and was being shot at by celebrating So. Vietnamese troops (who are mainly Buddhists, dumbass).
This guy should never be let near a body of water unless it is a reenactment of Chappaquidick with him playing the role of Mary Jo Kopeckne.
We put a torpedo up his lying ass in 2004 (re the Swiftboat veterans) but America has become so dumbed-down, gullible, and uneducatible that he is now the Secy of State.
It is a little like having “Dr. Irwin Corey” (the comedian and Commmunist Party USA member) as the head of the American Medical Association.
Kerry is, like some many in the Obama regime including Obama himself, a fraud, a narcisstic prick, and a danger to America.
If there is ever a case for “truth in advertising”, it should be the label on a bottle of Heinz products. It should be a picture of Kerry holding up a picture of his wife, Teresa Heinz, and a quote bubble saying “You don’t think I married her for her ketchup, do you?”
Dont forget that Kerry thought he was in Cambodia during Christmas 1969 and was being shot at by celebrating So. Vietnamese troops (who are mainly Buddhists, dumbass).
He wouldn’t know an ARVN is he saw one.
You are off by a year; it was '68. I remember very well because Nixon sent him!!
but America has become so dumbed-down, gullible, and uneducatible that he is now the Secy of State.
While reading this part, I imagined someone in the room with you shouting “Shut up, I’m watching “Ow, My Nuts!”
Do you understand the reference?