That is why they went to bed a tad hungry. Pretty straight southern cooking. Only concession I truly made was the meat for the spaghetti was in a side dish to be used by those who like meat, which was all but 1. Now as adults they eat it with meat.
These are the same 3 kids who said they’d not follow in dad’s footsteps smoking as smoking stunk...all 3 smoke. 1 has an 11 year old and both him and his wife smoke in front of him.
I remember that I was forced to eat food that I did not like. My mother was a good cook, but there was some food I did not care for. For examples cooked carrots. She always put sugar in it which made it to sweet. I loved raw carrots or cooked carrot salad made with vinegar and oil. Also when she made potato salad she always added celery to it. I can’t stand the taste of celery. It took her years to realize just because she liked celery in her potato salad not everyone does. I swore that I would never force my kids to eat food they did not like and I didn’t. I did not give them anything else either in place of it.