Posted on 07/02/2013 5:51:41 PM PDT by Sub-Driver
GOP gloats over Obamacare delay By: Jason Millman July 2, 2013 08:31 PM EDT
Obamacare opponents on Tuesday had a We told you so moment.
As the Obama administration announced a one-year delay in the employer mandate, leading Republican lawmakers and political strategists painted the decision as an admission of the laws failures and a blatant attempt to shield Democrats during the 2014 elections.
Delaying the employer mandate is a clear admission by the Administration that the health care law is unaffordable, unworkable and unpopular, Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said in a statement. Its also a cynical political ploy to delay the coming train wreck associated with Obamacare until after the 2014 elections.
The administration defended the delay as an effort to provide flexibility to the business community, but its bringing negative attention to the law just as the White House and its health care allies launch a major campaign to sell Obamacare to the public. Enrollment in the exchanges starts in October.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who this week received a Democratic opponent in his 2014 reelection effort, used the delay to again call for repeal and replace.
Obamacare costs too much and it isnt working the way the administration promised, McConnell said in a statement.
House Speaker John Boehner also called for repeal and replace, rehashing Democratic Sen. Max Baucuss train wreck comment. Baucus who helped write the law - earlier this year said he was worried that implementation would be a train wreck a line that his GOP colleagues immediately picked up and amplified.
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Then defund it. Shut govt down if you have to. Talk is worthless.
And the people whose hours were cut, laid-off, or not hired in the first place? They get a delay too, right?
Readers are already slamming the democrats over it here in Michigan.
You gotta wonder why they won't.
Somebody needs to step up and put this massive, feral pig out of its misery. We can’t afford this “progressive” bull****.
Well the GOP can gloat all they want to but they had the oppurtunity to repeal this crap!
The American people and samll business has suffered under this debacle. Gloating does not make this less sufferable!
They all can go to hell!
Somebody needs to send a couple of cases of Huggies over to “Politico”. The ones with the 25 lb. load limit.
Stop gloating dumb@sses! People won’t know about how bad Zerocare is unless the reality of it slams them in the face. Delaying the bad news until after the elections is the Commie’s only hope. Lose the House and it’s over.
Both Reid's spokesman Jentleson and Mark Begich should have stated that to San Fran Nan before she made that asinine statement of hers.
The GOP CREATED IT, and then like Obama-the-Undocumented LIED about it. Enough.
>> GOP gloats
Prolly the only thing it can do.
The idiots are screwing up the midterms.
And then the no information voter would have been even more anti-GOP for doing so. There are still people that think everyone can keep their existing plan without change while others think they'll be getting it all for free. They still believe the "promises", and need to get smacked on the head with some reality.
The bill should never have been passed, but now that it has there may need to be some discomfort before enough people have their eyes opened.
Enough about the First Wookiee.
Isn't that illegal?
“And the people whose hours were cut, laid-off, or not hired in the first place? They get a delay too, right?”
No, but they’ll get a chance to be heard in 2014. Hope they make better use of it than the downtrodden have in the last several elections.
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