Nice try but you seem to be wrong! I attempted to buy 2 laptops with the specs I wanted and I could only obtain them with Win 8.
I purchased another with Win7 as I will not be dictated to by the MS monopoly even if I must use their product for what I support.
They absolutely blew up ADO, VB, VBA, VB-Net and have been scrambling to patch all they broke.
Win 8 is the biggest piece of crap since the virus known as vista. If I didn’t have to support legacy systems controlling equipment in the multi-million dollar range I would have dumped MS a long time ago but sometimes you have to make the best of the hand MS deals and it sure as hell is not Win 8.
Telling tales out of school again to push your anti-crosoft agenda eh? Chuckle! Won't be the first time Applebots have tried that particular trick. They have being doing that for years. The fact of the matter is that Amazon, Best Buy, WalMart and other top PC retailers are still offering Windows 7 PC’s as well as Win 8 PC’s. I just gave you a link to Amazon in my previous post. However you persist on living in your little fantasy world where Microsoft is “forcing” hapless Applebots to buy Windows 8 PC’s, something that is just not the case, no matter how many times you keep repeating it.
“Win 8 is the biggest piece of crap since the virus known as vista”
Naaaah. However I can't say the same about you and your viral postings.
In another few months, Win 8 will overtake the entire install base of all OSX versions (despite the easy availability of Win 7 PC’s), then the Applebots can really go crazy. :)