Paula Deen is an Obama supporter...what goes around comes around, with this PC crap! Stew in it, Paula! It bit her in the butt!
I’ve defended her somewhat, but I agree. This PC action is out of hand, and she backs the team that loves to use it.
I’ve been told that in the early to mid 30s, PC was rampant in Germany too. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but it wouldn’t be hard to believe it is so vile.
I hate to see anyone get this kind of media lynching, but maybe this will teach her that if you vote for liberals this is what comes to pass.
Sadly, if she's like most liberals, whether caught up in a PC flap like this, or unjustly targeted by the IRS, or even just out of work and can't find anything, they seldom make the connection between a progressive controlled government and their plight.
In short, you vote liberal you reap what you sow.