What baffles me is the argument. 87 congress members and a president are racist because sodomizers have rights ?
The Chief Justice can set the rule of the the arguments of merit to the case before the court. Its done every day its known as the judge wont allow. Because the administration now favors gay marriage I wouldnt expect what could be called a healthy defence from them. Sodomy wasnt the issue . The issue was protecting the integrity and intention of a basic unit of society through a mechanisim known as marriage to encourage familys.
What should we expect from a political party which itself has gone through a marriage with one world socialist radicals known to many as communists who cant even use the word God. Theyve hyphenated into Demo-Coms.
Next big move for family destruction disguised as equality is multi-partner marriage after all gay marriage is based on the now outmoded Male/Female model (couple) thats now arbitrary and discriminatory! We mustnt be twoist (only two can marry? Why?). We are no longer One Nation Under God we are splintered nation under whatever godless group shouts the loudest! Old Serpent is estatic!