” Since the military is considered Federal.. Hagel is going to give gays in the military gay marriage benefits.”
Real men will leave the military in droves. Others will never sign up. Obama has destroyed out military in a mere 5 years.
Real men will still be driven to participate. It will eat away at the core of our forces, but there will be pockets of very elite and dedicated people none the less.
I lean toward your thoughts here, but then have to remind myself that we have always had homosexuals in the military. Granted, that was covert. Now it’s overt.
Of this contingent, there have been some very dedicated troops. We shouldn’t be all-encompassing when we talk of this group.
Do I think this is a bad idea, yes I do. This should not be our policy. It is not good. It will not help.
To be honest, I am more worried about the way Obama and company are slicing and dicing our forces. That doesn’t mean I am not concerned about the affects of homosexuals in the military. I still am. I am trying to keep it in perspective though.
It’s there. It’s reality. The full ramifications are not known at this time. I hope they aren’t devastating.