There is no way to describe the speeches. I hope there are links that you can do that.
Anyone saying the crowd was not involved must have been watching another event or a carefully edited tape. People cheered and long extended clapping and hooting for the favorite speakers...Bachman and Kruz.
Beck was in another class. His speech was not an easy one for an outdoor setting. It required thought and self examination repeatedly. I can not wait to hear it again and try to absorb it all next time. Vegas admitting they have CROOKS and HOOKERS and DC in denial is going to be quoted. The most important thing is to remember the name:
He made repeated mention of the name with such emphasis that it is going to be important!
All of the speakers were politely and vigorously cheered before, often during and after their short remarks.
YES THERE WERE A LOT OF THEM! Each seemed to have a special message and topic, however.
Gosh this is getting long just as my 4 hour meter was calling to me!
It was a wonderful day and NO, I did not get a ticket!
Thanks for making it through all these posts...if anyone did?