why even think about voting for this when obama can say he got it passed and he gets credit?
and was the reason obama was talking to cross dressers and homosexuals yesterday afternoon in the white house was because of this while he sends out some unknown to tell the world we will be involved in Syria?
Thanks for allowing me to explain. This amendment was first introduced in the committee marking up the bill and was withdrawn because democrats recognized that, while it appealed to a small number of their core constituency, it certainly did not help with the larger majority. It is being introduced now as a distraction with the expectation that it will be defeated but that the people who oppose it will be labeled as being intolerant. If the Republicans call their bluff and refuse to be baited, the Democrats must either withdraw the amendment and offend their gay constituency or pass it and put their vulnerable members in jeopardy with the large number of voters who certainly don't support the gay agenda.
Remember, the amendment is only a change in the proposed law and doesn't mean anything unless the overall bill is enacted. In the event the bill passes the Senate, it would have virtually no chance in the House if this amendment is included. This is a classic poison pill and it would be poetic justice if the Democrats did it to themselves. The fact that Oboma might preen before his gay supporters means nothing if the bill itself can be defeated.