Why not? What concievable difference would another four years make other than to enhance border security?
“Marco Rubio: We need to legalize immigrants so they can pay for border security”
How does that square with your comment there would be no amnesty without border security first? Does the same hold for benefits i.e. do we give them amnesty so they can pay for their benefits too?
BS alert, total BS.
The Russian government built an Iron Curtain (likewise with the Chinese Bamboo Curtain) that lasted for decades.
No one in this country can tell me we couldn’t secure a damned border 3000 miles long if need be in a couple of years. NOT ONE PERSON
We cannot wait another four years with 11 million people living in this country illegally without knowing who they are or why theyre here.
Anyone care to count the number of lies Rubio crammed into that one sentence.
First one is easy - 11 million people is more like 30 + million illegal aliens already here plus about 50 million more who will be eligible to come in for family reunification ( and who can prove or disprove claims of being a family of people from a third world country with no serious record keeping).
We’ve had 13M illegal alien invaders 4 years ago, now it’s down to 11M, and RubyRino’s argument is that we can’t wait another 4 years? Why not? Maybe the numbers will go down to 9M by then. Especially if we deny state birth certificates to illegal alien children subject to a foreign jurisdiction that are born here. And deny schooling to non-citizens until their country of origin pays the bill.
There are so many more dis-incentives available to consider it becomes quite obvious to thinking adults that selfish motives are behind the aiding and abetting of an invasion by members of Congress.