I know Chicken Little told you otherwise, but the sky is not falling
Issues of sexuality are already being discussed by adult leader to youth in scouting as a result of this vote. John
Stemberger, founder of On My Honor,said that this new
policy would result in issues of sexuality being discussed with the boys.
He said, and I quote-
“The Resolution robs parents of the sole authority to raise issues of sex and sexuality with their kids. Parents should have the exclusive right to raise issues about sex and sexuality with their children in their own time and in their own way, in the privacy of their homes...Allowing open homosexuality would inject a sensitive and highly charged political issue into the heart of the BSA , against the wishes of the vast majority of parents.”
My son was already asked during a board of review last week about his personal views about his religious beliefs and homosexuality. This was totally inappropriate and out of line. Adults in scouting should not be discussing sexual issues with the boys. Stembergers’ prediction was right on.