How do you know?
(Hint: You don’t know the future.)
It's true that I don't know the future.But I *do* know the past...I *do* know the Rat Party...I *do* know Osama Obama...I *do* know Osama Obama's pals...I *do* know the press...I *do* know simple arithmetic...I *do* know the current makeup of the US Senate...I *can* well guess the Senate's makeup in January '15.
As a result of these things that I *do* know that I can guarantee that under no circumstances...will Osama Hussein Obama be removed from office before the statutory end of his term in office on 1/20/2017.
And if you think that Osama Hussein Obama would ever *resign* from office I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell you as well as some tropical swampland in Alaska.