It's true that I don't know the future.But I *do* know the past...I *do* know the Rat Party...I *do* know Osama Obama...I *do* know Osama Obama's pals...I *do* know the press...I *do* know simple arithmetic...I *do* know the current makeup of the US Senate...I *can* well guess the Senate's makeup in January '15.
As a result of these things that I *do* know that I can guarantee that under no circumstances...will Osama Hussein Obama be removed from office before the statutory end of his term in office on 1/20/2017.
And if you think that Osama Hussein Obama would ever *resign* from office I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell you as well as some tropical swampland in Alaska.
My my, you are very gleeful, aren’t you?
You are the one that has no inkling of history. Dictators have fallen, governments have been thrown out, countries turned upside down. How about the Czeck Velvet Revolution, for instance?
You are thinking not just “in” the box, but in one small corner of a closet in the box.
I guess you like in there, in a tiny dark room in your mind.