Maybe pass some sort of special legislation specific to him?
You do not get what I am telling you.
It is over. Legislation won’t protect him from the very agency and regime he blew the whistle on.
The regime doesn’t care about legislation or law. Realize the size and scope of these scandals already...and the regime doesn’t care!?!
The UnVeiling of a Rogue Regime (vanity)5/16/2013
“Or worse, as Representative Kellys rant yesterday noted, the American people are outraged and yet you are not. There is a unique peculiarity of the administration to fake outrage and now to not even show outrage at the abuses of government employees”
I do not know why this guy did this now, but my heart is telling me he is counting on us, yes us... his fellow take action. First and foremost he needs appropriate protection and I do not know how we can do that? I trust there are others who are already stepping up to help him.