Where is this Rally?
The grounds of the Capitol?
If we do this like 2009, it’s not worth doing.
This administration will just give this action the finger.
And the press will ignore it.
The only way to make a headline is to set the date, and refuse to pull permits, insurance, or port-0-potties.
Just everybody show up and walk around the white house.
For 24 hours.
Every entrance. Every driveway. Every hour for an entire day.
I’m really hoping I can go to this!
You better be careful or they will start to roll out Larry Flynt the publisher of the Hustler porn magazine to go after you just like he came out for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Imagine that- Hillary Clinton benefitting from a Porn hustler. I would put Paul Begala and James Carville in the same category as Larry Flynt. Smartst woman ever in Hillary Clinton and afeminist at that has to rely on a raunchy porn king to come to her aide.
The operative word is ABOLISH!!!!!!!
I appreciated those tea partiers and the NOM guy testifying at the house ways and mean hearing. A house member asked what they wanted to happen to fix this problem. Not one said abolish the IRSS! Not one! What a missed opportunity.
“Audit The IRS” rally?
How about an “ABOLISH The IRS” rally?!?
I want to wear my TEA-shirt there
Rolling Thunder. 250,000 Hogs.
A Wednesday is a bad day to hold a major rally in DC> Weekends are the best for a larger turnout.
I think we should make an IRS training video.
In orange jumpsuits and shackles.
Lets call it “The Frog March”.
I’ve been looking to see if the Tea Party Patriots have any deals with hotels set up. Can’t find any. I hope they hop on some sort of organization - else the turnout will be especially tiny considering the thing is on a Wednesday.
Doubt they will even get the license to assemble.
One week from tomorrow, West lawn of the Capital. Let’s roll.