Sure. Rules are rules. Ask Holder and the IRS about following the rules. PTUH!
To have this disgusting bureaucrat tell someone that their kid is probably going to die, and adding the fact that she is a champion of murdering millions of unborn and newly born babies each year, makes me sick.
**The rules are the rules and it doesn’t matter if Someone lives and someone dies**
It matters to God, and they will answer for their sins at the moment of their deaths.
"Sarah and others were excoriated by the left-biased media and Congress while the 4000 page Obamacare was being fast-tracked for passage.......Death panels? Ridiculous, absurd....right?? Get used to it folks, you asked for it, and now you have it."
Sorry about your daughter, but, let’s face it, no one gives a rat’s *ss unless you’re a millionaire contributor to the Obama Democrats.
Liberals. Always extending the frontiers of idiocy.
While a dying girl is photogenic, there’s logic in this. The dying adult who won’t get the lungs hacked to fit into her body doesn’t get the press, but would get the adult lungs and live - and has a greater likelihood of a successful transplant because the organs aren’t “shaved” to fit in her growing body. And, because she’s growing, there is a chance that she’d need another set of lungs as an adult because the mutilated organs don’t grow with her.
If she dies without a transplant, the lungs she didn’t get DO save another life. And if she gets the transplant, there is a chance she needs a second one - so now two people die extending her life.
While I hate saying it, this denial is actually logical and correct by the HHS.
You can bet your last dollar that none of these pig politicians and Dc lawyers, judges, Chicago mobsters will follow any rules they choose to ignore and nothing will be done about it.
Courtesy of Obamacare,coming to your doctors office soon
Unless you’re a lesbian teacher suing the Catholic Church... Then the rules don’t apply because sexual behavior is more important than contractual law...
But the right to life is not greater than the rules.
The individual must be sacrificed for the collectivity!
Communism 101.
The day will come, sooner than later, when a parent is told that their child does not qualify for a life saving operation and the parent is going to go postal. We are being ruled, not governed.
And only we can change that.
So the National Organ program (non government) is not the ultimate authority and no longer sets the criteria for who does and does not qualify for the donor list? My husband had a heart transplant three years ago, he was sixty-four, but his overall health was excellent, weight perfect and no underlying medical issues. His heart was dying, he was graded A1 emergency status and received a heart in less than two weeks. If Sibelius was making the call, she would have seen he was a lifelong registered Republican and I am sure the perfect heart for him would have gone to a liberal. Incidentally, the fellow in the room next to him was fifty nine. He was dying and received a heart from a seventeen year old donor who was hit on his bike by a truck. The height, weight, size of organ must be similiar between donor and recipient.......not age.
If this is true.......this is huge. It will make the IRS scandal look fair. The government will discriminate as to who lives and who dies. It will no longer be decided on the basis of doctors recommendations and the strictly governed requirements set by the National database which is based on emergency need and an entire host of other requirements, but what political party you belong to.
This is only the beginning. I expect that Obamacare will hit NICU facilities very hard as many of these high risk infants rack up huge medical bills. Imagine being the parents of a high risk newborn and being told there will be no care for your baby because of federal policy.
Hearing her comments, I was struck by the absolute flat affect of her voice, one totally without any notion of human animation or emotion. How revealing. Forrest Gump would have provided more inflection.
She’s completely soulless. A perfect fit for the administration.