Well, it’s true I don’t run into people like this. The truth is though, I could. Our society has gone down hill in my opinion. It’s utterly disgusting what passes for acceptable attire these days.
There are areas in my region that cater to this crowd. I stay away from those areas. I do my best to avoid this scene.
Others are saying it more and more, and I have to agree. We seem to be living in the ‘end days’/’end times’.
I have grave concerns for what will be taught to our children in the near future. It’s already bad enough, and it seems to be headed in areas that are even worse.
I never thought about “end times” until today. Of course, most generations think they are living in end times (especially when they get over 50!)and yet the world goes on. But we are certainly due for a correction. No society can exist for long that encourages this type of behavior.