A fine tribute to the denizens of NYC. A collection of more imbecilic idiots would not be found on this earth
If nothing else I’m sure that he’ll provide some STIFF competition. :)
People must start thinking on how we can control the type of voter electing the "Divine One" and probably this turkey. Identification, literacy tests, property qualifications, age restrictions, residency requirements must be imposed even if an Amendment to the Constitution is required. It is a matter of the salvation of the United States.
When I think of this guy, two words come to mind.
Pervert and stupid.
The future is as Detroit on the Hudson. The big banking houses and investment firms seem intent on re-hypothecating themselves and us out of existence. Remember that the auto industry was forever.
His wife is huma abedin (sp?) second highest at state under H! See m. Bachman s statements re this MB connected woman Then ask where is this disgraced NY congressman obnoxious and perverted by NY standards getting multi millions to run a serious campaign and able to get his wife (Muslim married to Jew) to stand by him and we just haven’t learned the lessons of the Clinton’s whose story these two follow and plan to follw to the top (WH). We think BO is bad? Whoa. Every joke on him he takes to the bank