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Homosexual Assaults Becoming a Problem in U.S. Military, DoD Survey Finds
The New American ^
| 23 May 2013
| Dave Bohon
Posted on 05/24/2013 2:30:38 PM PDT by VitacoreVision

A Defense Department survey has found a dramatic increase in sexual assault among the troops -- including homosexual assaults perpetrated by male military personnel.
Homosexual Assaults Becoming a Problem in U.S. Military, DoD Survey Finds
The New American
23 May 2013
A little over a year after the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) ban on homosexuals in the military was officially dropped, the Department of Defense has admitted that it has a problem with sexual assault by male soldiers on other men. The Washington Times noted that, according to an anonymous survey conducted by the Defense Department among military personnel, more men than women are sexually abused in the military each year, with assaults overwhelmingly perpetrated by other men.
Results of the survey show that of the estimated 26,000 service members who were victims of sexual assault in 2012, roughly 14,000 of the victims were men, while some 12,000 were women, according to a scientific survey sample released by the Pentagon.
A 129 percent increase in sexual assaults among military personnel since 2004 has prompted Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to launch a campaign to deal with “unwanted sexual contact,” among the troops. But the project has become more complicated by the fact that an inordinate number of the assaults are apparently being perpetrated by male homosexuals — close on the heels of their high-profile welcome into the ranks.
Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, noted that the number of formal reports of sexual assault in the military annually skyrocketed from 1,275 to 2,949 in just eight years, and the numbers of same-sex assaults appear to be one of the factors. Donnelly said that women are identified as the assailants in just two percent of all assaults, which means that almost all of the 14,000 or so men who have been assaulted sexually were targeted by other men. “It appears that the DoD has serious problems with male-on-male sexual assaults that men are not reporting and the Pentagon doesn't want to talk about,” Donnelly charged.
Donnelly, whose group took a lead role in the fight to keep DADT in place, charged that the DoD's Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Office “continues to focus its attention on women who experience abuse but don't report it, overlooking the far greater numbers of men who, according to the survey, are experiencing abuse but not reporting it. If the Pentagon considers the survey results a credible reflection of hidden reality, they must also concede that there are more men than women who are being sexually assaulted.”
Aaron Belkin of the Palm Center, which promotes homosexuality in the military, insisted to the Washington Times that “very few” of the perpetrators of male-on-male sexual assault are homosexual, claiming that the attacks are “somewhat similar to prison rape.” Donnelly called such a notion “outrageous,” telling World Net Daily that the increasing numbers of same-sex assaults has the military officials flummoxed. “The Department of Defense doesn’t quite know what to do with these figures,” she said, “and so they just sort of put them in there and hope nobody notices.”
Donnelly said it is crucial to monitor the numbers of sexual assaults to document how two significant changes in the military — welcoming homosexuals and allowing an increasing role of women in combat arenas — are negatively impacting military readiness. She said DoD officials appear to be in denial over the connection between these two issues and the increase in sexual assaults among military personnel.
As for addressing the increasing problem of sexual assaults against females, she told World Net Daily that “I think we have to start with the basics, and that means basic training. Back in 1998, unanimously, the Kassebaum-Baker Commission came out with recommendations to separate basic training for Army, Air Force, and Navy trainers, [to] do it like the Marines do. The Marines train basic training separately, male and female at Parris Island. That’s a good thing to do. It’s a good first start.”
More fundamentally, she added, the DoD must “stop pretending that sexuality does not matter. You cannot solve a problem by extending it into the combat arms. The big push is for women in combat — this argument that we have to have women in the infantry so they’ll be respected more and they won’t be assaulted.”
Donnelly pointed out that while respect for women in the military is at an all-time high, so are the sexual assaults against them. She said that the Pentagon and policymakers in Congress “need to assess where we are, what has happened in the last two decades, and they need to stop pretending that a lot of sensitivity training or highly paid consultants [are] going to make a difference in the sex problems we’re seeing right now.”
In a statement released by the Center for Military Readiness, Donnelly said that both male and female military personnel deserve “reality-based policies that combine recent lessons learned with classic principles that should be strengthened, not weakened. Congress must intervene before the administration's incremental plans irreversibly extend unresolved social problems into fighting battalions that are key to mission accomplishment in the all-volunteer force.”
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: dadt; fdrq; gaymilitary; homosexuals
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To: VitacoreVision
This is only an early problem. Wait until you get retaliation, coercion, favoritism.....much more to come.
posted on
05/24/2013 2:34:05 PM PDT
(In Benghazi they died; Obama, Clinton and Rice lied. God may forgive. I do not.)
To: VitacoreVision
Tell me please, no one can be surprised by this, can they?
posted on
05/24/2013 2:35:29 PM PDT
(Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy)
To: VitacoreVision
To: VitacoreVision
Gee, who would have thought that allowing homosexual males into the military would cause problems? </sarc>
posted on
05/24/2013 2:36:11 PM PDT
Jim Scott
To: VitacoreVision
Solution: More sensitivity training.
Alternative solution: 6 hour harangue by Comrade Obongo.
Most likely solution: Denial.
To: VitacoreVision
Gee, who could have seen that coming?
posted on
05/24/2013 2:42:23 PM PDT
(Undicted Co-conspirators: The Mainstream Media)
To: VitacoreVision
The solution will obviously be for *all* commanders to hold weekly “homosexual pride” ceremonies so that perverts will feel less “marginalized” and,therefore,less likely to try to “befriend” a guy unfortunate enough to have dropped the soap.
posted on
05/24/2013 2:43:12 PM PDT
Gay State Conservative
(Leno Was Right,They *Are* Undocumented Democrats!)
To: VitacoreVision
No one saw this coming. /sarc
posted on
05/24/2013 2:47:20 PM PDT
Jim Robinson
(Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
To: Rapscallion
This is an easy problem to solve. Just blame the victim for his/her homophobia and lack of tolerance. You get one complaint. After that, if you’re not “with the program”, you get a dishonorable discharge.
What could be simpler?
posted on
05/24/2013 2:50:05 PM PDT
To: VitacoreVision
Coming soon to a Boy Scout troop near you.
To: VitacoreVision
I wonder if this story was delayed until after the Boy Scout vote.
posted on
05/24/2013 2:53:34 PM PDT
To: VitacoreVision
I hear the rumblings of the end of the American republic.
posted on
05/24/2013 2:59:20 PM PDT
(Don't pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.)
To: St_Thomas_Aquinas
Solution: old fashioned G.I. blanket party.
Or, somebody gets hit on in the shower and beats the cr@p out of the faggie and then makes a formal sexual assault complaint which must be investigated.
posted on
05/24/2013 3:01:35 PM PDT
("The Second Amendment is more important than Islam.")
To: VitacoreVision
How utterly disgusting and shameful.
posted on
05/24/2013 3:04:13 PM PDT
To: VitacoreVision; governsleastgovernsbest; kristinn
Anyone think the alphabet networks or the “journalists” at the Pentagon will make this the subject of their Sunday talk shows or their weekday morning Today/GMA/whatever-the-hell CBS has on now gabfests?
To: VitacoreVision

FDRQ delenda est...
posted on
05/24/2013 3:08:38 PM PDT
(Stand UP and Be Counted, or line up and be numbered - *DTOM* -ww- NO Pity for the LAZY)
To: VitacoreVision
Who didn’t see this coming?
posted on
05/24/2013 3:11:52 PM PDT
(Please Support Free Republic - Donate Monthly! If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, Let Me know!)
To: VitacoreVision
Aaron Belkin of the Palm Center, which promotes homosexuality in the military, insisted to the Washington Times that very few of the perpetrators of male-on-male sexual assault are homosexual, claiming that the attacks are somewhat similar to prison rape.
Unbelievable! These homosexual activists will excuse any crime committed by sodomites.
posted on
05/24/2013 3:20:04 PM PDT
(Sons and Daughters of Freedom, Committee of Correspondence)
To: VitacoreVision
At least this can’t happen in the Boy Scouts!
posted on
05/24/2013 3:27:13 PM PDT
(Gone rogue, gone Galt, gone international, gone independent. Gone.)
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