“A lot cheaper to go underground if possible.”
Am 60 miles north of Houston. We have a high water table. Dig a hole here and you have a water well.
Honest to God, people, this one does scare me - have that here and I’m dead and so is the Yorkie. There is nothing underground here.
humblegunner: do you have an underground shelter? I know you are Mr. Prepared, let me know if you have underground - I’m going to your house if there are severe tornados and you have underground.
Yep, Texas landscape is such that underground shelters are not as feasible as in Oklahoma.
You can survive quite powerful tornadoes in an interior bathroom. House could be gone and you could survive. You’d have a good chance in ALMOST anything in a bathtub that you’ve pulled a mattress on top of.
Here is a DuPont above-ground shelter product rated for Category 5 hurricanes and F5 tornadoes - made of Kevlar.
No idea how much it costs or how much to install, but you’re not doomed if you can’t get underground.
Nope, nothing underground.
Tornadic activity is expected far north of here, possibly affecting my ex-wife in Decatur.
My structure held up to Ike, I’m not terribly worried.
Gets real bad, I’ll repair to the pump house over the well.
Oddly enough, that sucker is the toughest structure on the property.
Because of the clay soil base in this area, most homes do not have basements. “Hidey holes” are the best protection. Most are below garages, or outside the main structure. Usually 4’ x 6’ x 6’. Not intended for long term occupancy.