I don’t think we are talking about the same thing here. If the question is “Who created more jobs and wealthy?” then obviously the answer is Bill Gates. Mother Teresa was more about Matthew 25:35 (”When I was hungry you gave me to eat..”), feeding clothing and shetltering the DESPERATELY poor, particularly orphans and those suffering from terminal illnesses. Her 5000 Missionaries of Charity sisters continue to do this work in 133 countries around the world with her directive of “Wholehearted and Free service to the poorest of the poor”. Different mission, but equally important.
No I am not talking about JUST wealth but using capitalism, BG has provided more doctors, medicine, food and most importantly technology for getting clean water.
If the world does nothing but subsidize poverty then just like everything else we subsidize we end up with more of it.
BG and others like him provide a longer term solution than the immediate next meal.