Down here in the South, people talk slow, UNLESS they're lying. Then it speeds up. That's true anywhere, except it's just more noticable in the South.
Just remember he was sent out to lie.
By liars he works for.
It's all lies at this point, or they'd be confessions.
You’re so right. I’ve been here in our BELOVED deep South for 8 years now, and this guy has me thinking I’m in a foreign country!
I can barely keep up with what he’s saying!
Man, he’s a fast talker! Lying his arse off.
Mitch is doing GOOD.
He interrupted David!
David wouldn’t let Mitch make the leap from the president making speeches about TEA Parties, about the good unions versus the bad Tea Parties, etc., and the IRS.
Mitch wouldn’t backdown, and said the investigations are going forward.
David was so desperate, he played a tape of Mitch from 25 years ago.
Mitch said, he was wrong 25 years ago, but has been right since then, and that David had to back 25 years....LOL.
He added that David might as well go back to a Civil Rights case, he then cited.
Apparently, they are going to the old Clinton, “We can’t comment while an investigation is going on.”
Later, after years of investigation they will call it old news. It is the old District of Corruption shuffle.
Pray for America to Wake Up