Not sure how I come down on this one.... On one hand, I get that the government it intrusive and that this service could be abused... On the other hand, there are plenty of examples where had the alarm been sounded, a tragedy “may” have been avoided.
I don’t think I have a problem with it.
Check back with me after noon, Friday night should be worn off by then.
Any good Freeper hangover remedies out there??
No cures but love your tagline.
People already report suspicious behavior but this sheriff is trying to redefine that to include anything perceived as a threat or criticism of government. He obviously expects a lot more calls with this expanded definition which is why he needs more money.
Have another beer for that hangover. It always worked for me when I was younger.
There is nothing to stop anyone calling right now about someone who is acting threatening .
Never has been.
The difference is setting up a program designed to encourage reporting people who are critical of the government.
You’ve been reported WomBom. Impaired judgment FReeper probably has guns and hates government.
Just start drinking again!
you need to get your head right.
No one with a slave mentality has a problem with it.