"There will be no cash rewards for calling, a sheriff's office spokeswoman confirmed."
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To: Rennes Templar
What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’”
What could possibly go wrong. Hide your dog!!!!
2 posted on
05/18/2013 7:10:30 AM PDT by
Conspiracy Guy
(I voted Republican, no Conservative was on the ballot. 969 yall.)
To: Rennes Templar
I guess they'll kick in every door, from every crank call, and kill every doggy too.
Sorry about your Grandma, but someone said she was anti Government, so, here's a Cert
for a free cremation.
3 posted on
05/18/2013 7:10:44 AM PDT by
(Conservatism needs a re-awakening plan for the American public)
To: Rennes Templar
a war veteran making threats to passersby We vets are really what is wrong with this country!!!sarc/on
4 posted on
05/18/2013 7:11:42 AM PDT by
To: Rennes Templar
"Under the proposed "Violence Prevention Program," anyone who sees a potentially dangerous situation a schizophrenic person with weapons, a war veteran making threats to passersby could call a 24-hour hotline. Legitimate-sounding calls would trigger a visit by specially trained deputies in plain clothes or by mental health professionals. "But if a caller describes a demographic that is associated with the majority of violent crime, don't expect any response at all.
5 posted on
05/18/2013 7:12:38 AM PDT by
("Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." M.Twain)
To: Rennes Templar
Not sure how I come down on this one.... On one hand, I get that the government it intrusive and that this service could be abused... On the other hand, there are plenty of examples where had the alarm been sounded, a tragedy “may” have been avoided.
I don’t think I have a problem with it.
Check back with me after noon, Friday night should be worn off by then.
Any good Freeper hangover remedies out there??
8 posted on
05/18/2013 7:15:14 AM PDT by
("I read Free Republic for the pictures")
To: Rennes Templar
Looks like the Sheriff is looking to start a new career in the IRS
9 posted on
05/18/2013 7:16:45 AM PDT by
(Let's get dangerous)
To: Rennes Templar
11 posted on
05/18/2013 7:18:58 AM PDT by
null and void
(Republicans create the tools of opression, and the democrats gleefully use them!)
To: Rennes Templar
...no cash rewards for callingThe sheriff overlooked "Here are your Starbucks and Apple iTunes gift cards, Good Citizen. Thanks for the tip."
To: Rennes Templar
The suspicious behavior noways is the Government
16 posted on
05/18/2013 7:26:05 AM PDT by
(Live well for those that did not make it back.)
To: Rennes Templar
Maybe we could have ‘suggestions’ that two men who look like the might be gay - might ‘do it’ in a public bathroom - be turned in... Or how about a bunch of ‘Occupy’ brats? They could be planning on using drugs - let’s stick the police on them... You know, two can play these games...
17 posted on
05/18/2013 7:26:24 AM PDT by
(Conservatives were Obama's victims, but unlike the press we were aware of it.)
To: Rennes Templar
1.- No tipsters regarding the Religion of Peace need call.
2.- No Tipsters regarding black uprisings need call.
20 posted on
05/18/2013 7:27:42 AM PDT by
("It's a Religion of Peace")
To: Rennes Templar
I’ve heard that Palm Beach has 1 cop for every 8 citizens. Talk about too much $$$ in LE hands.
To: Rennes Templar
Under the proposed "Violence Prevention Program," anyone who sees a potentially dangerous situation a schizophrenic person with weapons, a war veteran making threats to passersby could call a 24-hour hotline. Legitimate-sounding calls would trigger a visit by specially trained deputies in plain clothes or by mental health professionals.Ignoring the slam against "war veterans" for a moment, just how would any of these situations be dealt with now? Would the PBSO just not respond at all? Seems to me just a different way to soak the taxpayers out of more money for something they should already be doing.
26 posted on
05/18/2013 7:34:18 AM PDT by
(Obama's vision - No Job is a Good Job)
To: Rennes Templar
Hey, is everything OK?
41 posted on
05/18/2013 8:56:40 AM PDT by
To: Rennes Templar
One thing to consider is that the sheriff is LOCAL and subject to local. When the FED GOVT does this it is another story.
To: Rennes Templar
To: Rennes Templar
Sheriff Ric Bradshaw’s view is alarming. I don’t like this stance he’s promoting. He seems to get away with so much. It’s almost like shoot first then ask questions some people say here in Florida. I don’t even like entering his city. You feel like you are being watched even before his views and program ideas were publicly known. He deserves criticism. Imo.
To: Rennes Templar
anyone who sees a potentially dangerous situation a schizophrenic person with weapons, a war veteran making threats to passersby could call a 24-hour hotline. "anyone who sees a potentially dangerous situation a schizophrenic person with weapons, a war veteran making threats to passersby, a sheriff's deputy open-carrying a pistol while on duty could call a 24-hour hotline. "
52 posted on
05/18/2013 9:25:35 AM PDT by
(turning Americans into felons, one obnoxious drunk at a time (Zero Tolerance!!!))
To: Rennes Templar
In the article, Bradshaw said, "What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, 'Hey, is everything OK?'"
Gee, it hurts nothing Sheriff Bradshaw.
Like say, oh, by the way, 'Did you stop beating your wife?' No offense meant ya know.
Just askin' 'Hey, is everything okay?'
So.. uh.. before we go.. is that a Yes or a No -- 'Sheriff'?
53 posted on
05/18/2013 10:05:49 AM PDT by
(Si vis pacem, para bellum.)
To: Rennes Templar
Years ago in Brooklyn there was an IAD captain who regularly followed cops as they worked. Nothing wrong with that except he did so for no reason. It was pure “fishing.”
When cops got on to it they followed him and found out where he lived on Long Island. They got sympathetic non-cop neighbors who didn't like him anyway to write anonymous letters saying the captain hung around grade schools in his off time. They wrote he exposed himself and on and on. Of course nothing ever came from this directly, but his “fishing” finally stopped when HIS superiors looked into why they were getting all of these bogus “tips.” Maybe reporting the sheriff and some of his workers might help.
56 posted on
05/18/2013 10:32:41 AM PDT by
(Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
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