Posted on 05/16/2013 12:13:26 PM PDT by SeekAndFind
Given that Eric Holder has served the longest on Barack Obama's Cabinet, it's not exactly unusual that rumors would arise in a second term that the Attorney General might head out to pasture sometime soon. In fact, even Eric Holder wondered about it last November, when he questioned whether he still had “gas in the tank” for a second term. Later, he announced that he’d stick around for a year to get Obama through the transition to another term, but probably hit the road after that.
Is the year up? After listening to Holder’s litany of “I don’t knows” in yesterday’s House hearing, one could make the argument that Holder’s already checked out of Justice. Libtalker Bill Press would like to make it official:
I still haven’t heard a legit justification for the subpoenaing the AP phone records. They didn’t notify AP, they didn’t narrow search.
— Bill Press (@bpshow) May 16, 2013
What “breach of national security” are we talking about re the AP story? It’s BS and Holder should be fired.
— Bill Press (@bpshow) May 16, 2013
Talk radio host and former chairman of the California Democratic Party Bill Press said Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder should be fired over the subpoena of reporter phone records.
With his tweets, Press becomes one of the first prominent liberal voices to call for the dismissal of Holder over the records seizure.
First? Well, Dana Milbank’s column last night came close to calling for Holder to step down. I linked it earlier, but this part is worth noting, too:
In a sense, the two topics that dogged Holder most on Wednesday the AP phone records and the IRSs targeting of conservative groups were one and the same. In both cases, Americans are being punished and intimidated for exercising their right of free expression by the taxing authorities, in the conservatives case, and by federal prosecutors, in the reporters case.
But Holder cared so little about those two issues that he said not a peep about either the IRS or the AP in his opening statement. When he was questioned about the AP case, his first response was to suggest the criticism of him was political. I mean, theres been a lot of criticism, Holder said. In fact, the head of the RNC called for my resignation, in spite of the fact that I was not the person involved in that decision.
Resignation or not, there are people looking for an AG who takes the job seriously. Chicago columnist Michael Sneed writes that Holder’s days are numbered, and that the White House already has his replacement in mind — Deval Patrick:
Sneed is told that Attorney General Eric Fast and Furious Holders days are numbered.
Sneed hears President Barack Obama, who is this/close to Holder, has set his sights on Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick as a possible replacement when the heat dies down on the latest hot-button scandals to hit the U.S. Justice Department, said a top White House source. …
The president will wait until the heat dies down and a little time has passed beyond that before he does anything to Holder because Holder is a close pal, and thats a big deal in the White House, said a top Dem source. Holder is also a close buddy of Obamas senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, the source said. Obama knows a change has to be made, but he wants Holder to leave with his reputation intact.
It’s a little too late for that, especially after yesterday’s incoherent performance on Capitol Hill. But Deval Patrick is an unlikely choice for Holder’s replacement. First, why would Patrick want the job in the first place? The DoJ will be playing defense for the next three years on all of these scandals and perhaps more, since Holder apparently can’t count the times he’s approved the seizure of media phone records. As a two-time governor of a relatively populous state, Patrick at least on paper has the credentials to run for Obama’s job, and there is no reason to saddle himself with Obama’s scandals before at least giving that a try.
Second, with all of these scandals in play, Obama would have to nominate someone whom Republicans can at least grudgingly support in a confirmation vote. With the legal and political morass at Justice in the AP phone records seizure and Operation Fast and Furious, the next AG nominee will have to be seen as someone reasonably independent of the Obama administration, with real reform credentials. Senate Republicans will block any nominee that lacks those credentials with these scandals in play, and this time the politics will be on their side. Needless to say, Patrick doesn’t fill that bill.
The perfect AG would be Hillary Clinton, “my mind is Jello, jello, jello.”
Holder’s out only if he wants to go. I’m sure he has the goods on Barry.
Holder and prez are partners in crime. Holder would only leave to roll over in case things get too close to incrimanting obama
I was just saying this over on another thread.
“The perfect AG would be Hillary Clinton, my mind is Jello, jello, jello.
Makes me wish Rush would get back to inserting more humor into his show. He’s far too serious now...and there are so very many (approaching infinity) areas where libs can be shown to be silly, childish, uneducated...etc....etc...etc.
And besides, it really p*sses them off when you make fun of them.
That would be a good start, but don't hold your breath.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
The only way Holder will lose his job will be thru the incessent demand by the MSM. Fast and Furious was swept under the rug and the MSM are still giving him a pass so it’s safe to say his job is secure.....
Out on a gurney would suit me just fine.
.. in a baggie.
He’ll go back to his law firm Covington & Burling(represents 17 Yemeni’s held at Gitmo) and continue representing terrorists.
Guantanamo Bay Detainees
We currently represent fourteen men detained at the United States Naval Station at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Most of the men have been detained for approximately eight years and none have been charged with any crimes. Following the decision by the Supreme Court in Boumediene v. Bush, 128 S. Ct. 2229 (2008), holding that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus extends to detainees held at Guantánamo Bay, we are challenging the legality of our clients detentions in habeas proceedings in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Of the seven cases that have gone to merits hearings thus far, Covington has won four, lost two, and is awaiting a decision in one other. Two prior clients were released without a hearing.
The firm has been involved in the Guantánamo related litigation for the last six years. In addition to the on-going habeas corpus proceedings, our efforts have included: bringing cases for review of enemy combatant classification decisions in the D.C. Circuit under the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005; challenging the destruction of CIA torture tapes in federal court; filing amicus briefs and coordinating the amicus effort in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 U.S. 557 (2006); filing amicus briefs in support of Supreme Court review in Moussaoui v. United States, 382 F.3d 483 (4th Cir.), cert denied, 544 U.S. 931 (2005); challenging the governments practice of redacting information from documents given to security-cleared habeas counsel; and challenging the abusive medical and living conditions that the detainees experience at Guantánamo.
Leftist media believe themselves to be a part of the authoritarian power structure. They have faithfully served Obama, so how could they be betrayed? Now they find out they aren’t as privileged in the power structure as they thought. The master doesn’t trust them.
****Is the year up? After listening to Holders litany of I dont knows at yesterdays House hearing,***
Reminds me of Salvatore in the movie NAME OF THE ROSE. “Stupido, stupito! ME NO NO NOTING!”
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