Forgot to mention that I am starting to make my own cat food. One of my Persians has food allergies (allergic to all the grain they put in commercial cat food that cats do not need!). She had a bout of digestive problems this last month and the vet said to put her on all wet food, which she hates in the commercial grain-free options. So I looked up making cat food, bought the supplements, and made some. Luckily, she is the one that loves raw meat so switching her to the raw food diet was easy ;) Her sister and brother are resistant though!
It’s actually cheaper to make your own food rather than buy the expensive supposedly good-quality food. (Even Natural Balance grain-free foods had melamine in it years ago).
our quality control of imports is sadly lacking
So is our quality control of some domestic products. That’s why I am going back to growing and canning most of my own stuff.