I see the problem.......no duct tape.
So does this pipe actually carry contaminated coolant or is it just a scary picture?
So you’d prefer a million dollar solution?
Better call MacGyver
For those of you who have seen San Onofre, it’s the boob plant...
It’s all total bullshit!!!!
There is nothing unsafe at that plant.
If this was art one of the two active reactors it couldn’t hurt anything but it isn’t even at an active plant and there isn’t any radiation even in that unit,.
If there was a total meltdown at one of the active plants it still couldn’t hurt the public, all that would happen in a worst case scenario would be to lock the door and walk away.
I live 14 miles from it and as far as i’m concerned it should have been restarted months ago!
It’s not water that goes through the coolant when it’s fueled but what I find weird is that they use salt water for this system. I wonder how well the pipes and valves hold up.
I’d live next to a reactor, they aren’t unsafe, especially with what we have learned in the last thirty years (never let Jane Fonda or Michael Douglas near the plant).
We had a plant here in the Sacramento area, actually southeast of Sac but not far at all. When it was running the Westinghouse turbine kept having issues so they hand to shut the plant down to fix the turbine. I don’t think they had any nuclear issues although they had to scram the plant when the turbine shed blades. I even took a tour through it, we got as close as the air lock to the reactor containment building, it was cool. Nevertheless, the moron voters, voted to close the plant. Fast forward to around 2000. People wondered what it would take to restart Rancho Seco but it was already 50% de-commisioned. Idiots.
Time to get the glasses checked. I thought that headline said SEN ONOFRE. I thought the Dems were getting far more aggressive in trying to stop press leaks.
Sounds a lot like the procedures used by Kongress to fix the deficit/debt problems.
In the military, that’s known as an “field expedient.” Ah, that’s nuttin’. I once fixed the headlights on my daughter’s 1983 Eclipse using an old garden glove, a doggy toy, and a tennis ball. It was a thing of beauty. Wish I had taken a picture of it. You should’ve seen the look on the mechanic’s face when we took it in for state inspection.