Martial law will be declared. There will be a run on the banks as well as all food and fuel resources.
Libs everywhere will be turned loose by the government to attack conservatives. Unable to do that, the libs will tell authorities where those conservatives are.
Camps will be built to “protect” true Americans as libs loot everything in site.
At this point opportunistic countries will make their play.
Those of us who managed to stay under the radar will find each other and take back our country. The new will put those who destroyed us on trial and hang them as they aren’t worth the bullets.
My only fear is an armed incursion. Although no country has a blue water navy and can move people here en masse, our southern “friends” will be happy to help take back their land. Bammy will be too busy killing Americans to turn our military on anyone. Not too mention the loss of men due to AWOL’ers going home.
It makes me extremely sad to think what kind of world my children and their children are getting.
A military with a standing Army of less than 1 million is going to impose martial law on anything but a few major cites, maybe 3 cities at most.
You need to update your terminology. Martial law has now been replaced with a request (demand) to Shelter in Place. (While armed officials search your place - without warrants - for the "bad guys".)
Wolverines indeed! I think you’ll enjoy this: