Excellent, manc. I also believe that social issues are what the liberals care most about. What too many conservatives don’t seem to understand is that when the social fabric and culture is liberal, there’s no chance for conservative fiscal policies or really, conservative policies anywhere.
agree, once the break down of the family is completed then the community breaks down, the country breaks down.
When families came here , they relied on each other, they worked for each other, they loved each other and they fought for each other.\\
The parents are now the Govt, they grow up relying on Govt and our side can’t talk about how the family is being redefined, our side can’t talk about what marriage is, what drugs do because it’s so much easier to talk about debt, spending and taxes.
Always play it safe for them.
Talk show hosts and those TV pundits can talk about debt, spending and then say they have disagreements with the left and their pals like Colmes, Beckel and still remain friends and invited to the cocktail parties but talk about social issues and mention any of what I’ve said and all hell breaks loose because the left wants our side silenced.
Our side knows this and therefore they stay silent on the left’s golden goose while the ignorant and cowards stay silent and just follow.