We normally turn everything on that we can think of, start the cars and let them run, open all the shades and garage door so any/all ‘tards can see the show. That’s getting old too but it still works.
Exhaling CO2 or just plain exuberant farting will do.
Normally I pour some used motor oil down a storm drain or set a few tires on fire but that’s getting boring. Anyone got a fresh idea on how to celebrate Lenin’s Birthday uh, Earth Day?
I am partial to the idea of melting styrofoam with a hairdryer....
Go to a place that sells beer kegs, get a bottle of CO2
Put it in the front yard, open the valve
Video and post clip to youtube
I might burn some stuff in the burn barrel...
As a native Northern Californian, Sierra Nevada resident, and
one time logger I would suggest that you locate a certain
bumper sticker and place it proudly on your fuel-guzzling vehicle.
The bumper sticker states: EARTH FIRST (we’ll log the other
planets later). Thanks for the question.