And because a foreign country made an inquiry, I have to believe that he was on a list and they're lying through their teeth.
Can you imagine if this sort of thing happened more than 4 years into the Bush administration? There would be demands for hearings, investigations into why the bad guys were not stopped earlier, howling over how they failed to keep Americans safe etc. If any Republican were to dare to say anything now about the current administration’s failures they probably would be condemned and told not to bring partisanship into this.
They already knew the older brother was dangerous and when they saw his image on video they went straight to him.
You wrote: Had they deported him aka enforcing our existing laws, Boston would not have happened. And because a foreign country made an inquiry, I have to believe that he was on a list and they’re lying through their teeth.
Well let’s cut them a break. It isn’t as if we’re spending billions a year on overblown agencies to keep us safe. We musn’t profile. We musn’t accuse anyone of anything until they actually blow some of us up. Now move along with eyes closed, and be sure to take off your shoes and get scanned and probed at the airport like a good little subject. It’s keeping us safer; I’m sure it is, because they say so.