Is this supposed to be a gradual introduction of martial law? Just to get people comfortable with the idea, and then when something bigger hits everybody will be prepared to think it’s no big deal?
Is this supposed to be a gradual introduction of martial law? Just to get people comfortable with the idea, and then when something bigger hits everybody will be prepared to think its no big deal?
I think so.
Posse comitatus.
By the way, this may form part of the plan for graduated martial law implementation, but we’ve been pretty far down that road already. The Civil War and reconstruction went all the way. The National Guard has been nationalized who knows how many times for use in what are ostensibly state issues. Most famously to enforce desegregation, though that was an edict from the federal courts. Also for piddling crap like the Rodney King riots.
The DEA, FBI, ATF, etc. are technically paramilitary outfits, but I don’t see any good reason to think of them as anything but military.