What a beautiful little boy, obviously the monster who took his short life didn’t take note of his sign..RIP little fella
what does the sign read? i cannot make it out... :(
This is heartbreaking. I want the animal(s) who did this to suffer the same heartbreaking explosion....then when he has suffered awhile he can be put down like the savage he is. NO symphathy, no worrying WHY he did this....he is a sick terrorist who deserves the fate his innocent victims have suffered.
I have a picture of a son I used to have, about that age, proudly holding up an art project he did for school. I tear up a bit when I look at the picture. But I’m at work so I mustn’t.
People in my area are still recovering from the last tragedy and then this happens AGAIN. Yesterday was supposed to be a day of remembrance. Instead we lose one more child and a bunch of others get their legs blown off. Many still in critical condition. This is it? This is what every day could be like from here on out? Just after people finished saying to their kids that it was rare and “[they] don’t have to worry. go to sleep.” ?
I don’t know what to say. If my job didn’t require it, I’d never act cheerful ever again. I’d rather never smile or ever enjoy anything ever again. There is not a damned thing to be happy about in this world!
My he be with the Angels!! RIP, young man!!
I can’t imagine what this family is going through.