Senators Cruz, Lee, Paul and liberty defenders step up and do your work for the constitution. Kill this bill deader than Toomey, Manchin and Obama's scruples.
Let's give these two peas the benefit of the 'doubt.' Perhaps they hadn't time to read what their bloated staff hammered together.
The problem with legislators is that they continue to legislate and any cobbled piece of crap will do.
Firearms owners who are concerned about "issues" will have to decide: Would consulting with a mental health professional for an hour do enough good to be worth losing forever their right to hunt and their right to defend their families, not to mention their right to defend their country against all enemies, foreign and domestic? I think that will prove to be an easy one to answer, particularly after a few more ordinary, decent people get raided in response to leftist psychologists and psychiatrists in a panic.
I suspect those doctors in Wisconsin that handed out medical excuses for demonstrators would routinely submit the gun denial paper work for all patients.
What other Constitutional rights can we put to this test? Clearly many liberal (er, “progressive”) talking heads are downright irrational and we should give a doctor the power to suspend their right of free speech and of publishing their screeds. I think people who are in the “low information” demographic are more dangerous than anyone with a gun. As long as we are opening up all unalienable rights to the physician’s veto, that should be looked into as well.
This is the beginning of the end of the 2nd amendment. What will be included in the background check; having a neighbor feud, a family member’s medication, arrests or convictions and for what, a comment on Free Republic, etc.? As we all knwo this new act could be mild and with amendments could get far worse. Any freedom loving pubbie ought to think long and hard before supporting this gun grabbing act.
Between Section 2716 of the Obamacare Act, and an Executive Order by BO on January 16,2013, your medical privacy rights were eviscerated and doctors’ records concerning the mental health of gun owners were fair game. Toomey-Manchin just codifies the E.O. SHAME!! SHAME!! SHAME!! Call your senators!
I can envision a rapid stop to this practice when someone whose guns were stolen in this manner, but who has one hidden elsewhere decides to make sure that no one else is similarly victimized.
I am not advocating this, mind you, just speculating. Were I a doc I wouldn’t report anyone, and I would be very open and up front about it.
And this takes us back to why doctors are asking patients if they have guns in the house.
Remember all the activist doctors who said they have a “right” to ask such a question? Would anyone be stupid enough now to give an affirmative answer?