I used to think half of the American public were were halfway sane and at least had the capacity for rational thought.
But not after November, 2012!
We Are Living in a Dying Country
April 05, 2013
RUSH: Folks, I don’t know how else to categorize this. We are living in a dying country. I don’t know how else to categorize what’s happening — 88,000 new jobs. The unemployment rate, because of a terrible statistic, is down to 7.6%. The number of people in this country who are not working is shameful. Ninety million Americans are no longer in the workforce. Ninety million. People not in the labor force grew by 663,000, and now 90 million. That’s the labor force participation rate. This is 1979 levels. The only difference is that we don’t have an election around the corner to fix it like we did in 1979.