“Now our papers are delivered by drive-by adults who throw the paper from a moving vehicle and who knows where it might land? Its more of a nuisance to have the paper delivered than it is to pick up a copy at the local store.”
Some truth to that. My neighbor 2 years ago tried the subscription for the local paper (not worth mentioning as I hate it). What went on was the paper guy (non-English speaking Mexican) was warned so many times to leave the paper at the doorstep instead of outside the gate..and the paper dude kept doing it. He eventually unsubscribed after 3 weeks.
When I retired I took on delivering the paper - did it for 5 years. I always put the paper where the customer wanted it - got better tips that way. Tell you something else, not only was the money great for me but I was able to write off on my taxes at least triple what I made. The write-off’s in that business are great. Hated to give it up.