The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is increasing. Why? I think this has several ‘causes’.
One is the toxic environment, from many sources...drinking water, air pollutants, food supply (especially in packaged foods), vaccines, dental amalgams, even pharmaceuticals.
Another is the push to control cholesterol. The liver produces cholesterol because the body has to have it to live, and it is especially needed in the brain. The pharmaceutical industry has convinced doctors and the public that cholesterol is bad for us. Statin drugs are huge moneymakers for the drug companies. I contend the cholesterol is not a disease, nor is it connected to a disease, unless there is not enough of it.
There is a lot of evidence that statin drug use can cause dementia-like that ‘Alzheimer’s’. If used long enough, especially by persons who might be susceptible because of other likely factors (toxins) the incidence of Alzheimer’s is likely to increase to pandemic levels. We see that happening.
Mazz, your comments about proteolytic enzymes are also important for us to remember. Pancreatic enzymes acting proteolytically help rid the body of toxins. And the nattozimes that deal with fibrin along with serrapeptase from silk worms work to improve the blood supply to the brain and to improve blood circulation in general.
There is the third factor, which we have discussed Our great American diet is carbs, carbs, carbs, low fat and varied consumption of meats. If minimizing carbs, adding medium chain fatty acids (MCT’s) from coconut oil, and enjoying meat helps control Alzheimer’s, why not for prevention too?
To summarize this, deal with toxins, stay away from statin drugs, and change the diet (remember that many of the natural things in diets linked to the absence of Alzheimer’s should be included in the diet). I suggest that this could begin the reversal in the incidence of Alzheimers disease.
Good post! I did not until recently that our brain is made up of mostly cholesterol! No wonder Alzheimer’s is more prevalent now with this hysteria about cholesterol.
The issue of low fat foods is also huge. Obesity in America exploded the moment “low fat” foods came into fashion. I know obesity is another issue altogether but low fat foods could indeed be a factor in Alzheimer’s.
There is one more reason why Americans are more prone to Alzheimer’s. Think of what has changed in last 70 years in USA. Automobiles became popular! You will notice a huge segment of older population does no regular exercise. It is akin to driving you car all the time at slow speeds. Sludge builds up in the fuel system. Human body evolved over million years plus. 99.9% of that time our ancestors spent chasing after food relentlessly. They were not farmers and staying in one place. Nomadic life was the norm. So our bodies need exercise. That strengthens your arteries and keeps better blood flow to the brain, kidneys and liver.