The real question is why government is involved in education in the first place. Even conservatives aren’t asking that question.
I favor tuition tax credits.
Nobody makes us shop at a limited selection of goobermint-run grocery stores and we eat EVERY day, ALL year.
Catholic schools teach that Catholicism is the source of truth.
Christian schools teach that Christianity is the source of truth.
Jewish schools teach that Judaism is the source of truth.
Muslim schools teach that Islam is the source of truth.
And Government Schools teach that Government is the source of truth.
“The real question is why government is involved in education in the first place. Even conservatives arent asking that question.”
It is a shame, the presuppositions we accept any more. Like with Medi-Cal or Medi-Caid or Social Security, we are interested in getting rid of fraud and illegal alien benefits and waste, but, few talk about chucking the entire program.
I could see a legitimate argument for the state needing literate citizens who understand their citizenship rights and responsibilities.
Ideally I’d like to see a public library in any county of over so many people, and at that library “free” (tax payer funded) literacy, basic math, and civics courses. Not forced, but available at various times and days for all citizens of any age.
The argument for this would be civil and common defense, as illiterate people who can’t add are not capable of modern warfare, not much. Also, citizenship requires a basic knowledge of the laws of the land.
That’s how it would be if I were King. The current model of public schools gone, no compulsory education. But no.
In some states it is actually written into their Constitution....
This is to me in the business of change yet another crack in the dam that will soon fall in the Monopoly hiding as Public Education (really Indoctrination!)
Parents pay for their own brood. No tax credits (those w/out kids should not be paying for the brood mares to begin), reduce the overall taxes and let the parents hire/fire/elect/whatever for their own.
Education should be primarily dealt with at the local level, with only essential oversight by the states such as requiring the essential history, math, sicence and English courses.