You won’t notice the difference and your body will like getting a bit less salt.
I’m not a fan of zero salt like Pritikin advocates but, I do like replacing certain foods with others to trade for different things.
For instance:
I like the fat on my steak but, it’s chock full of calories. So I don’t eat potatoes with butter or bread with butter.
I also don’t care for salad dressing on my salads. I’ve always been this way and so I make a choice that eating the fat off a cow or Hot Dead Chicken Skin is fine, as I don’t eat other fats.
Sugars? I never really like sweets as a kid, my brother didn’t either.
White Bread? I can’t stand whatever that taste is that I taste and I rarely eat it. As in almost never.
I go to Whole Food, Sprouts or Trader Joe’s get low sodium whole wheat breads that actually have fiber and the loaf is like carrying a brick.
Only sugar I get is from a wine bottle, Scotch(Hmmmm...) and Vodka.
I don’t even have a salt shaker for use at the dinner table. WEll, okay I do but, It’s for guests.
For popcorn I use garlic salt and unsalted butter....erh, or not. I LUV! Popcorn!
Gotta go to the bar and get a scotch.
While you’re at it, buy Bragg’s apple cider vinegar too. It’s excellent for your health.
The Bragg’s amino is so much like soy you won’t be able to tell the diff, IMO.