Matt Towery wrote on the conservative Town Hall website that Leno despite being a liberal is like Barry Goldwater when compared with David Letterman.
I know that Jay Leno, like most on network TV, is a self-proclaimed liberal, but I could care less. Next to David Letterman, he looks like Barry Goldwater, Tower wrote.
Towery described Leno as an equal opportunity offender comic, who doesnt back away from poking fun at Democrats when its warranted.
The critics generally hate Leno, because to them hes too much a part of average America. He doesnt have the endlessand I mean endless sarcasm of Letterman and actually refrains from attacking people. Hes not cutting edge. Hes too much the apple pie American. Oh and hes too funny to a majority of Americans, Towery wrote
I know that Jay Leno, like most on network TV, is a self-proclaimed liberal, but I could care less. Next to David Letterman, he looks like Barry Goldwater, Tower wrote.”
Sounds like McLame.
The critics generally hate Leno, because to them hes too much a part of average America.Don't overlook the fact that Leno has committed the unpardonable sin against the left of collecting and
operating a vast array of fossil fueled cars, trucks, motorcycles, tractors and various combustion engines.His collection of vehicles and automotive momorabilia has an estimated value of more than $50 million.