Posted on 03/21/2013 2:39:24 PM PDT by JohnPDuncan
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) appeared on America's News room this afternoon and declared: Ive got a news flash for those who want to call people names on amnesty what we have now is de facto amnesty, Paul shot back. We have 11 million people here that have been here, some of them for a decade or more. No one is telling them to go home. No one is sending them home.
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I dare you to call his office and ask.
His answer would probably be: we’re not going to round them up, so lets secure the border, let them have a work visa and if they want to apply to become citizens get in line.
I would agree with that plan; never, ever under any circumstances should they be able to be citizens after coming here illegally.
Also with a green card, it is a way to keep some track of them and what they are up to. If they violate the laws then they need to lose their green card and be deported. Any who don’t apply for green cards or cannot qualify for a green card need to be deported. If done right it is a workable plan. The worst would not qualify for green cards and could be deported. Problem is I don’t see the government implementing it right, and I don’t see dims going along with it since they won’t get to add them as new voters.
I don’t like it, I personally want to send them all back but that is really not going to happen. Many would be deported under your green card plan though because most that cross through the desert do so because they have a criminal history and can’t come in legally even to visit. Others that should be deported instead of giving them a green card are those that came in legally and overstayed or otherwise did not keep their status legal.
For the most part, I like Rand Paul. However, on this issue, he is wrong. We may have a millions of illegals in the US now, but we will have many millions more if Congress provides a path for citizenship to those who are willing to violate our laws. No country can absorb such a large group of people all at once without some acculteration. The US, in its long history, has done more to welcome immigration than any other country in history. For the most part, we have benefited from this immigration. However, we have always exerted some control over the pace of this immigration and, as a society, we have always expected newcomers to embrace and conform to our core American beliefs in representative government, individual liberty, and American customs.
The proponents of this amnesty either don’t agree with our long-standing approach to immigration or don’t understand the destructive forces they will unleash if such a large body of people are introduced into our country all at once. Such a large group of unacculturated people will be unassimilable both culturally and economically and will further erode the frayed threads holding together the fabric of our society.
So, let’s get started. Or, if you are Rand Paul, let’s just make them legal. Because that is the libertarian response to people doing illegal things, apparently.
Personally I do not like fenced and/or walled boarders. I like free cultural exchange. There are memories of the Berlin wall. However, I also very mush hate the fact that there are ?? millions of persons that come across our National borders to milk the labor opportunities, money, and other government resources to which they do not contribute funds or allegiance. In this respect the Mexico’s government has been playing USA citizens a song and dance by an irresponsible social system that includes corruption, drugs, and no self imposed citizen opportunities. If our Government had a serious concern about the effects of immigration on legal persons in the the USA these USA officials would be looking at the Mexican government for action and remedy. We don’t need friends who who are acting to push their obligations on citizens of the USA and legal residents. As a side issue I do not like the fact that some people would have so called ‘anchor babies’ be eligible for POTUSA whether from Mexico, Egypt, or wherever.
Do some research on the popular vote and you will see what has happened to this country in the last 20 years. The number of people voting since 1988 has doubled! This has all been through immigration not by Americans having babies. All these new voters are a result of Motor Voter and massive fraud with early voting and illegals voting. We are so screwed.
Even without amnesty I doubt we have the numbers to ever win a national election. Registering all the illegals now will just give them absolute power by winning the House. The USSC is gone now with Roberts going to dark side. It is over and it happened right before our eyes. The Dems did it to us with immigration.
We could have turned this around when GWB was POTUS and we had congress instead of playing footsie with the Dems and signing such crap as Voting Rights Act. Shame on all of them. They have destroyed my country. Hope Teddy Kennedy is sitting his fat but on red hot coals.
Why is everyone in DC nucking futs?
Rand is correct on this.
I agree with you more than I could ever tell you. But the one factor you have to throw in is that they didn't listen to us. So now what do we do. The problem before was easy. Don't let it become a problem in the first place. The problen now is what do we do with this giant mess somebody else created.
As we look for solutions I just don't see that trying to deport 11 million people is going to work. I'm open to someone showing me how it can be done. My focus would be to take steps to first make sure the problem does not get any bigger and then to deal with the giant mess.
Show the price of perscriptions etc and how all the money going to hospitals to pay for illegal healthcare drives up the cost and CLOSES the facilities
Push the pix of the environmental destruction in AZ/Cali/Texas/New Mexico.
SHOW PICTURES of the murdered people/DWI fatalities.
In short, yse the Dem playbook to the letter. Except in this case women and children ARE hurt most and its all TRUE.
Tug the heartstrings. The Dem and GOP AND ALL OTHER amnesty by any name supporters cannot fight that and win.
The only drawback to this plan is you expect politicians to tell the truth about the issues with illegals. That is a lot to expect of politicians, especially the bunch we have now.
11,000,000 huh?
The figure has been the same from some time now, which seems unusual since we don’t send them home and more come every day.
Smells, like bullsh!t to me, Mr. Paul.
No need to deport.
1. Control the border, stop the bleeding.
2. Punish anyone who employs illegals, and mean it.
3. Cut off any government aid.
Many will leave. When we catch our breath we can decide how to proceed with some form of legalization of those who stay, like requirements to not be a public burden, criminal record, useful skills etc.
Let 11 million citizens quit paying taxes and see how fast the government rounds them up! There's reality for you.
Oh I know. My point is that it’s what they should do. The fact they don’t do ANYTHING like it should clue people in to how corrupt and on the other side the GOP really is. Until we end the nonsense that we can move right by moderating and compromising with idiots like Romney and the other GOPe crew, we’re screwed.
It’s our own fault. We elect or vote for the opposite of what we claim to believe in then get all POd when the principleless fools we elect act like the libs and moderates they are.
When we stop doing that, we will start getting what we do want.
With America’s drop and plop citizenship policy this will all be irrelevant in a generation unfortunately.
We have 11 million people here that have been here, some of them for a decade or more. No one is telling them to go home. No one is sending them home.
............................................................Well Sheeeeit Rand, that makes it ok then doesn’t it.
Reagan tried to fix the problem with a one time amnesty. His successor, the globalist Pappy Bush, promptly stopped enforcing the law so his wealthy business buddies could enjoy the fruits of below market labor and their wives could employ servants for a pittance. Subsequent politicians, including his son, have continued his open borders policies.
Now on to “free” trade, the deindustrialization of America, the use of the US military as a mercenary army for the Saudi princes, and the banishing of conservatives from the inner circle of the Republican Party. More of the legacy of Pappy Bush.
Blinded by a thousand points of light... and the country is about to fall off a cliff.
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