The furloughed workers should be thankful they still have a job. Everyone should be able to get by for quite a while on 80% of their take-home pay.
Remember that the sequenteration isn’t reducing government expenditures — it’s just reducing their rate of increase, at least that’s what Hannity says.
This is a true statement but terribly misleading. Sequestration takes half of its cuts out of the military. 18% of the budget has to take half of the cuts. For the military it is an actual “cut” not a reduction of growth. The reduction of growth is only to the budget overall. The budget over all does not have cuts, in fact wekfare and entitlement spending increases at the same rate or more than in previous years. Sequestration is an awful deal that was made in bad faith by the democrats who always think that the military gets too much of the budget.
In the 50’s when I was a kid the military was 67% of the budget. Our congress need to grow a set of gonads and cut welfare spending. We will never get a handle on deficit spending until we get a handle on entitlements.
The Democrats are acting like they are crying about the sequestration but they are really laughing it up pretty good.
Democrats, they are the most ill-informed people I have ever met. I have friends that are Democrats, they are stupid. They only know about MSM sound bites that paint Republicans as old people death wishers, queer haters and single mother haters.
Over 70% of our prison population were raised in single mother homes. Queers have a normal life expectancy of 42 years, old people in this country will be required to go home and just die under Obama care. Somehow, with all the above Republicans still get the blame for what is wrong in society. Like I said, Democrats are idiots.
Let me ask you something, and I want you to give me an honest answer.
If I took 20% of your income by tomorrow, would you have a problem with that? If the Government announced that Social Security recipients were to suddenly have their checks reduced by 20%, do you think they would be satisfied by telling them they still have a check?
We can do whatever semantic dances you want to regarding whether those checks are "deserved" or "already paid for" - the bottom line is when you cut income by that deep an amount that quickly, it is almost financially unsustainable for some families.
I have posted this here before but I will repeat the story. I know a single mother who is a low paid GS worker. She has a child with severe medical issues. She works hard - she does not take Food Stamps or hand outs. She pays her Federal, State, and property taxes.
She works, and for a Constitutional, worthy agency (Dept of Defense).
She, and thousands of others is going to be cut off at the knees.
This is not moral, it is not right.
When I posted that, I got a lot of Freeper hate posts and hate mail. Everyone has a hard luck story that they think is worse, or....the hatred for anyone getting a Federal paycheck runs so deep that the wombats come out of the woodwork.
People like that cannot make the moral distinction between someone working to better themselves and the fine institution of the US military, and an obese TSA agent feeling up your wife in Atlanta airport.
I cannot help people like that. If they do not have any discernment, I cannot give it to them through keyboard osmosis.