This is nothing but a shame, a disgrace and an insult to all who have suffered and died in battle and earned their place, their rank and their honor.
What a frigging joke but it isn’t funny at all.
From the halls of Montezuma, oh wait, I broke a nail, now on to Tripoli.
Surely the end is near. We are a laughing stock.
was looking ans sked a recruiter and I kid you not.
One pull up for a woman to enter the marines, two pull ups for a man.
To graduate then women do two pulls up and men do 3 pulls up.
The run is in sneakers and I forget the time but it;s something liek a mile in 10 and a half mins which is a joke
Just look at the AD’s, the marines storm the beach and then give out aid
for the Navy they show a woman in a submarine and state near the end that they are equal opportunity and rights.
What the hell storming a beach to give out aid.
then contrast the roayl marines in the UK who ban women in any kid of job, and here is their AD
they actually tell the pansies and fairies not to join and say they like pain, and now we have this crap of cross dressing , turd pokers and women who get positions who are based on politics.
so sickening