Paul said he would stop when the President put in writing he would not kill an American on American soil without going through due process.
Then, later, he said he would stop if Reid would bring to a vote a resolution which said the senate did not support killing Americans on American soil without due process. Harry Reid objected so Paul kept talking.
Thanks, Marcella.
Rubio up and Re-explaining why Paul is doing this filibuster. Quotes the Godfather, Paul made “ an offer they can’t refuse”, and yet they refused. Rubio says, Imagine if this was about Bush? It would be totally different, except Paul would still be filibustering.
Quotes from The Godfather again....a quote that never made it into the movie. “A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns”....says I don’t know what that has to do with anything here, but I thought it was a really good quote. lol, Rubio is so cute.
lol - another quote from The Godfather.