That is a very good point. I have seen the claim about these ‘survivors’ over and over again. GOP, Reporters, whatever. I have seen the claim that they were hospitalized, ubnavailable and 5 other things.
Can anyone explain to me why months later, the ‘investigators ardent screaming from the rooftops that these people have simply disappeared? I mean lets get real. Unless they were ALL either deep cover CIA types, CIA prisoners/captives or up to less than savory activities, there is exactly zero reason to keep them hidden.
That would indicate they were/ were doing one of the above. So for the question to be so thoroughly ignored (no more than a token blurb here and there to give cover that ‘we discussed it’ tells me that the investigators have full knowledge as to what happened, why and who it happened to.
And they are ALL lying through their teeth to cover it up.